Inspirational Bukharian Women

Read stories about the inspiring Bukharian Jewish women in our community

Olga Binyaminov-her story

Olga Binyaminov-her story

Life isn’t always as we want it to be. It is full of challenges, surprises, bumps and turns. But yet, life is beautiful, and every moment alive is a divine gift to cherish. This is my moto and this is the belief by which I live my life. I would like to share my brief...

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Zina Khaim-her story

Zina Khaim-her story

I am humbled and honored to be nominated as a Bukharian Jewish Woman who inspires. Some of you may know me from original Facebook group “ what’s for dinner tonight” My journey in the US started in September 1993 when my family and I immigrated to USA. Went Forest...

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Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov-her story

Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov-her story

Since the day I was born, I felt like I’ve had to overcome some type of difficulty. I would like to share my story with you, not because I want anyone to pity me, but I want to show you a person, who against all odds, has succeeded and made something of herself. I was...

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Diana Rachnaev-her story

Diana Rachnaev-her story

I have my own story that motivates my very own journey toward breaking my shell and discovering my true spirit. As a teen I struggled with my emotional state of well being. Not knowing where to turn to or whom I could reach out to. Stigma played a major role in...

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Miriam Ilyev – her story

Miriam Ilyev – her story

Before I share my story with you, I would like to add a disclaimer.  I can only share my personal experience and my perspective. In no shape or form do I intend to be  judgmental or chas v’shalom put anyone down, just in case you happen to feel differently....

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Elana Yuabov – her story

Elana Yuabov – her story

My name is Elana Yuabov. I am a proud Bukharian Jewish Woman, and thanks to Leya's project, I get to share my story with you. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses. It is important to discover what your strengths are so you can leverage them and realize your...

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Liza Aronova – her story

Liza Aronova – her story

Сейчас меня называют мама Лиза! Я родилась летом, а значит горячая как лето. С детства была озорной девчонкой, любила играть с машинками и быть в кругу весёлых и смышленых ребят. Жили мы неплохо в Таджикистане городе Душанбе, но в 1993-м году пришлось покинуть родину,...

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Tzivia Kay – her story

Tzivia Kay – her story

“Итак, она звалась Татьяной”. - A.С. Пушкин Perhaps I’ll begin with “Tatyana,” in short Tanya, a very popular and beautiful Russian name, given to me at birth by my loving parents, inspired by Alexander S. Pushkin’s famous book Eugene Onegin. Tatyana Iskhakbayeva...

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Yelena Kalendareva -her story

Yelena Kalendareva -her story

Yelena Kalendareva CEO of Aneley Cosmetics My journey began in Khazakhstan (mom is from here). I was born there, but grew up in Uzbekistan (dad is from here). I was always a happy child. It was 3 of us, sisters (our brother was born later, he is the baby in the...

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Victoria Khanimov – her story

Victoria Khanimov – her story

This is Victoria Khanimov she is a woman who wears many hats. This is her story through the eyes of her daughter. This is my mother, and this is her story. Born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Victoriya Khanimov grew up in a simple family, living a comfortable life. Back in...

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