Olga Binyaminov-her story

Olga Binyaminov-her story

Life isn’t always as we want it to be. It is full of challenges, surprises, bumps and turns. But yet, life is beautiful, and every moment alive is a divine gift to cherish. This is my moto and this is the belief by which I live my life. I would like to share my brief...
Zina Khaim-her story

Zina Khaim-her story

I am humbled and honored to be nominated as a Bukharian Jewish Woman who inspires. Some of you may know me from original Facebook group “ what’s for dinner tonight” My journey in the US started in September 1993 when my family and I immigrated to USA. Went Forest...
Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov-her story

Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov-her story

Since the day I was born, I felt like I’ve had to overcome some type of difficulty. I would like to share my story with you, not because I want anyone to pity me, but I want to show you a person, who against all odds, has succeeded and made something of herself. I was...
Diana Rachnaev-her story

Diana Rachnaev-her story

I have my own story that motivates my very own journey toward breaking my shell and discovering my true spirit. As a teen I struggled with my emotional state of well being. Not knowing where to turn to or whom I could reach out to. Stigma played a major role in...
Miriam Ilyev – her story

Miriam Ilyev – her story

Before I share my story with you, I would like to add a disclaimer.  I can only share my personal experience and my perspective. In no shape or form do I intend to be  judgmental or chas v’shalom put anyone down, just in case you happen to feel differently....